wilkommen zu mein new travel blog :)
i'm not sure how successful this blog will be, but i'm going to try and post as many of my thoughts, travel tales and photos (if i can manage to upload them) as possible on here during my sweep through egypt and china in january through to august 2006. i would love it to be an interactive forum-type blog (maybe an alternative to group emails?), so all of your comments and criticisms ranging from the deeply insightful to the blatantly crapulent would be appreciated :)
at the time of kicking off this blog, i've got just under three weeks of work left (to trawl through), and then a 10 day stretch to get my shit together before the real adventure begins on 24 january (very excited!)
i'm not sure how successful this blog will be, but i'm going to try and post as many of my thoughts, travel tales and photos (if i can manage to upload them) as possible on here during my sweep through egypt and china in january through to august 2006. i would love it to be an interactive forum-type blog (maybe an alternative to group emails?), so all of your comments and criticisms ranging from the deeply insightful to the blatantly crapulent would be appreciated :)