Monday 24 April 2006

the path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom


i woke up at 5:15am yesterday exhausted, with sore legs, a blister on my right heel, and a can-do attitude.
in a way i re-climbed the mountain to rectify an incongruity in self-perception. not in a negative way, like 'oh i failed' (i have an almost unshakable sense of self-belief/love and i'm not afraid to admit that - what are we without self belief?), but in a positive way, like "yeah bondy you can do this! so go for it!" i felt excited to see what i was capable of.
i watched dawn from a temple 70 minutes up the mountain, then powered another 5 hours to the top. at the summit of zhonghe shan, (the third highest mountain in the region) there's a tv tower, where two men do 10 day shifts maintaining it before hiking back down. one guy invited me in and gave me a bowl of hot water and a towel. i didn't know what to do with it, so he said "wash your face". ugly doesn't wash off, but i washed my face anyway and left.
the weather was perfect, and i felt so pumped that i took a 2 hour detour and climbed the second highest mountain in the region as well - yuju shan, at 4097m. there i am sitting by the cairn at 4097m! either the second or third highest point i've ever been on! (bit of confusion regarding how high fil and i actually were at pico bolivar in venezuela). i had my usual spell of crying and singing and dancing at the top of the mountain. climbing at altitude is god.
i was a one-man fart factory all the way down. all in all, it was a solid 12 hours of hiking, but i returned to dali full of energy, with a deep down feeling of sublime contentment.
didn't sleep a wink because the really fat ugly couple next door were having loud sex (which made my stomach turn to think about) and then started snoring like pigs until i hammered down the walls at 3am and told them to shut the fuck up.
heading off to do the tiger leaping gorge trek over the next few days, and then might disappear for a while into western sichuan, so i'm not sure when i'll next blog. please keep sending me your updates! i love hearing from you all :)

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