Friday 12 January 2007

Brisbane - part two

my last night in australia is here! i'm catatonically exhausted: 4 hours sleep and a hangover were my fuel for a day of furniture removal, last minute shopping, starting and finishing packing, and scrubbing my studio to within an inch of my life for a bond that i won't get back. pathetic. a quick summary is all that i'll be able to manage:

1) brisbane

gorgeous, wonderful city. so much so that i'm tempted to come and live here again. we'll see. life's so short. blah blah blah.

2) iva

my sister was always going to be the best thing about brisbane for me, and was of course the reason i came up here. what i didn't expect was to be so suprised, awed, enamoured and inspired by that person.

3) work

i have been consistently athiest for almost my entire life, but my cardiology rotation at the prince charles hospital shook that faith. i now wonder: is there a god? because without a god, how could there be a soul? and if it wasn't my soul, then what exactly was destroyed during that rotation?
4) now

in 16 hours i'll be sitting on a plane that will take me to meet phuong in bangkok, and then we'll be taking a garbage bin with wings to east africa. can't wait!

stay tuned at this address for heaps of updates. please leave lots of comments and questions!


Anonymous said...

My comment (yeaj the 1st one) is: please please please keep us updated. Have a good time in Africa - I wish your body behaves so you can enjoy everything which comes with your adventure.

Peter said...

Of course that there is no god and soul. Those are just concepts of people afraid of unknown. What was partially demolished was your belief that there are no boundaries of what you can do and withstand. You are just a human being - and marvellous one.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ondrej,
Q. What attracted me to you?
A. Bees and buttons.
Q. Why?
A. I love honey. Honey is the elixir of life. Bees make honey. Therefore I love bees. I also collect buttons (strange but true). So you see I couldn't help myself - it was the shirt that did it for me! (thank you for wearing it on your last day)

We only had a short time working together at TPCH and I didn't really get to know you very well during that time. I have a 22 year old son and a 19 year old daughter. They are both still here in Australia but will no doubt be traveling one day as some of their friends are now. I keep in touch with their friends by reading their blogs and adding comments. I could tell that you were not convinced that I would be in touch with you so you may be a little surprised to get this comment.

Sorry I didn't get to check out your blog until today and I see that you have left already so probably won't get this for a while. Glad you liked Brisbane for all of the right reasons and I hope that you will be back one day. TPCH is such a small part of life (although I do believe it is some people's whole life - sad, sad people who need our sympathy and understanding). As for your soul - I will leave you with some thoughts to ponder while trekking the vast continent of Africa .... 'Among the truths you will do well to contemplate most frequently are these two; first, that things can never touch the soul, but stand inert outside it, so that disquiet can arise only from fancies within; and secondly, that all visible objects change in a moment, and will be no more. Think of the countless changes in which you yourself have had a part. The whole universe is change, and life itself is but what you deem it.' (from Marcus Aurelius Meditations Chapter 4:3)

Ondrej, you give the best hugs - I'm looking forward to following your adventure and will be sure to leave lots of comments and questions (but not as long as this one)

Glynis O'Grady

Anonymous said...

Hi Ondrej

James here. I just want to wish you an AMAZING time in Africa and I want to hear the whole lot. I want maps, itineries, sexual-escapades - the whole warthog!

I also wish to hear about horrible tropical diseases very much.

Good luck, great travels, is Phuong writing as well?


James Douglas

Paul Brockmann said...

hey gorgeous: i'm so happy for you to be back on the road again. my glorious weeks with mom and bro in Cambodia and Thailand have wound down, and i'm back to Sri Lanka this evening. Last morning in Bangkok, and still sorry we didn't get to meet at the airport yesterday: I guess you and Phuong (?) are likely already landed in E Africa by now, huh?

Anyway: I'll be in SL until about 28 March, then France for a bit, then mostly USA for a good long downtime. Come visit.



Ondřej said...

thanks everyone! phuong and i are currently in zanzibar (yes - the paradise-type island off the coast of east africa) on super-slow computers - updates with photos may take some time. tomorrow we climb kilimanjaro!


Ondřej said...

glynis you're right i didn't expect you to be checking out the blog so promptly. i'm so glad you did! i think we only had a handful of shifts together but i always felt good when i knew you were on. thanks :) xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi cheeky babe!
Sounds like you are having an awesome time Am so jealous!Itching to get back on the road too! Not a chance! BTW don't advise year of work/study straight after taking one off! Any spare time to do my homework? Lotsa lurve, Jen xxx