Thursday 22 February 2007


i've arrived in the people's republic of china special administrative region hong kong, and my god it's good to be back in asia!
the circumstances surrounding my stay in hong kong put me in mind of a murakami novel (the good bits) so i won't go into it all in this entry (i need to think about things in retrospect). i'll just talk about bangkok.
i've only been to bangkok once before, and again it was for a 24 hour transit, which, though is a very short time, encourages one to milk 60 seconds worth of juicy experiences out of every minute.
it was chinese new year, so i headed straight to chinatown, the heart of old bangkok. despite the tasteless food in africa, i had stacked it on, and am now sporting a repulsive new pot belly. about half of it came away last week when i did a really big fart, but the rest simply won't shift. i wanted to start a starvation diet, but when i rocked up in chinatown, and saw delicious food stalls lining the streets as far as the eye could see, i started eating...and couldn't stop.
in fact i would rate it up there as one of the top three out of control eating experiences i've had in my life (the worst occurring last year in yangshuo in what i call the 'sweet and sour pork incident' in which a plate of meat so enormous it could have fed the people's army
was served with a rice in a wooden bucket you'd think they'd stolen from the community well, and for some reason i forced my self to devour every last grain. the agony and nausea that i experienced while crawling home that night...i wouldn't wish it on anybody.
hand washing facilities in these stalls are non-existent, so i was hoping to be struck down and washed out by some virulent faeculent parasitic infestation, but i was thwarted yet again: it turns out that in my short 26 years, i've put so many different kinds of food and fomite in my mouth that it seems i'm now immune to everything :( (paging dr freud)
rather than have a sleazy night (as the name of the city suggests), i spent it at a boxing stadium watching muay thai (thai boxing), in which two perfect specimens of male youth (and i mean perfect - 0% body fat, thin as rakes, but rippling with muscles) battle each other with fists, elbows, feet and knees in 3 minute rounds. if there were rules, i had no idea what they were, and though i abhor violence in all its forms, i found myself getting excited when things turned ugly, and thinking evil thoughts like 'kick him again' or 'hit him harder'. it was an interesting night.
the great paradox of muay thai is this:
whilst you wouldn't want to meet any one of those boys in a dark alley, you'd want to meet every single one of those boys in a dark alley.
let's all assume lotus position and ponder that until next time.
love live his majesty king bhumibol rama IX!
pics (i took no pictures in thailand)
1 - ondrej in front of the world's largest bronze statue of a seated mcbuddha, hong kong.
2 - shaolin monks perform kung fu at po lin monastery. more on that later.
3 - thought it couldn't get any more tacky? an enormous display of hello kitty weds dear daniel at central station, hong kong. alright - i loved it too.
5 - his majesty king bhumibol rama IX - a monarch you can't help but worship.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ondrej,

Your at the Big Buddha!!
I miss Hong Kong so much!!

All the meddies missed you so much at tonight's dinner in Fitzroy.
- People are getting married left, right and center.
- Interesting career changes... (talk to CAZ).
- Lots of gossip!!! "excellent"

Check out a bar named "Insomnia" near Central Station. D2 exit

Take care.


Dejan said...

Ok... I've been sitting in a lotus position for a while now and I don't get it :'(

LOL, thank goodness for the stars in your eyes or else your gutter mind would reek even after surgical disinfectant!