Wednesday 29 October 2008

the lightness of being unbearable

i have of late, but wherefore i know not, rediscovered all my mirth...
i was walking home from coles the other day, green bags slung over each shoulder filled with baked beans and two-minute noodles to keep me going while the cook is away, and i almost floated away - right there and then - into the sky above the mixed-zone pseudo-suburb of cremorne.
how does something like this happen? how does a moment of spine-tingling, goose-pimpling, electrifying happiness and love for life overcome one while performing the most banal of everyday activities? when one stops and smells the cut grass mixed with greasy tar of the road, and sees the sunlight dappling through the branches of the eucalypt, playing upon the surface of a discarded plastic bag, and one feels so light that one could literally float away and hover above the surface of the earth. in the presence of an existentialist understanding of the meaninglessness of life, and our meaninglessness within in it, the gravity of that beauty - the everythingness of it, and the everythingness of the moment in which it is contained - makes living life so very light - unbearably light.
i think of this as perspective.
tonight i will flap my wings and fly to laos, to meet my frog who hopped over to his business lillypad last week to soak up some different sun. i wish you all a zen day.


Anonymous said...

In spite of the very bright flash your pupils are enormous. What have you been taking?? Might explain your lightness of mind?

Ondřej said...

i had just had my pupils dilated for an ophthalmologic examination