Monday, 13 December 2010


i'm smitten with my iphone4. g is so jealous it's not even funny. it's got to the stage where he doesn't even want it sleeping in the same room as us. "i'm not adequate anymore because i'm not an iboyfriend4". damn straight.

i downloaded a little app called 'autostitch' which stitches together photos. you just take them, dump them in in no particular order, and voila! check out my offerings below! keep in mind that it's not just one or two photos: the picture of our street taken off the balcony is a composite of 42 different photos. these are all 180° shots:

the view from dover street that we'll soon be saying goodbye to! :(

corner of swanston and flinders

fed 口

birrarung marr (northside)

the yarra from birrarung mar


Anonymous said...

it is a true art work!!!!!!
How long does it take to compose such a photo like the one from Dover street?
Ahoj mum

Ondřej said...

i just take the photos and dump them in the application and it's ready in a few seconds. love it!

Amy said...

Great ap! You photos look professional. You are quite the techno buff. Amy :-)