Wednesday 29 June 2011

babička in rožnov

we spent a few days with my grandma - my babička - in rožnov pod radhoštěm, a village in the east of czech republic. it was great to see her again!

and did a few little walks through the forests and the green green hills :)


Anonymous said...

Oh Gerard is so cute lying in the grass! Had me imagining what I would do should I chance upon such a sight walking in the forest...

And how fortunate you were to see your Gran! Strange how powerful the human urge is to know our roots.

Tombo said...

Does your grandma swear? She looks like one of those cool grannies who were early hippies and isn't afraid of an 'f' bomb?

Tombo said...

Oh, and what was the statue you were hugging?

Ondřej said...

the statue is of a pagan god at the top of a mountain, and i think people held yearly orgies there in its honour before christianity came and threw a wet towel on the whole affair. maybe my dad could correct me once he's back from his holiday in 3 months!

i don't think grandma would care if i swore, because she wouldn't have a fucking cunt of an idea what i'd just said. in czech she doesn't swear though. not that much of a hippie. the camera lies...!

and as for your devious thoughts stephen...perhaps we could rig up a similar situation and i could film the whole thing from behind a tree and we could put it all on the blog and see how many hits it gets ;)

Anonymous said...


Tombo said...

Hey! If you haven't had sex before a pagan altar you just haven't lived!

Ondřej said...

damn it...i haven't lived!