Monday 6 June 2011


the berghain is a massive club housed in an old power plant in friedrichshain. we wanted to check it out before leaving the big B, as we knew that it consistently rates as the best club on earth. there's a bit of a random/exclusive door policy, and when we turned up, we saw hordes of people being turned away. the bouncer just points - into the door if you've been accepted, out the door if you've been rejected. it's quite unceremonious. there's no arguing - you must leave. i felt a little bit nervous when only one out of the fifteen people directly in front of us got let in, and a buzz of relief when we got the inwards-pointing finger. i realised 2 things at berghain:

1) with its 18m high ceilings and bare concrete slabs, advanced sound system, labyrinthine architecture and crowd of people that are actually there to party, berghain was quite probably the best big dance club i've ever been to.

2) i'm over clubbing: way over it.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that they got let you in. What were you wearing? The red top with the hood? Love mum

Anonymous said...

Looks amazing from the can just see the Stasi there. Perhaps it would be better to interrogate you rather than just point.

Ondřej said...

mum - have you ever seen me wearing anything else?

s - an interrogation by one of those big boys in the dark under-rooms of the berghain might have just done the trick...

nicky said...

So you no do no German techno.....

Enjoy boys! Miss u xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Ondrej, I can see your interrogation would not be straight forward! S

Ondřej said...

man they'd have to start way back. in the end we wouldn't know who was interrogating whom...

Tombo said...

"2) i'm over clubbing: way over it."

Tragedy! When the feeling's gone and you can't go on...