Tuesday 14 June 2011

the truth

should i tell you the truth? should i tell you that late one evening, while scanning the internet for reading material in german that i could actually understand i was visited by a projection of my future self? that he told me that i would take part in an epic battle against my as-yet-unmade nemesis right here in berlin, and that i would be aided in vanquishing her by a knowledge of the average price of a mojito in prenzlauer berg and a basic conversational level of german? that i would do well to join a bikram yoga club and wear the exact same tight red bathers that g had bought for me in thailand to increase my flexibility, that one day i would actually be able to touch my toes without bending my knees?

i was left with many questions that night. should i return to studying in order to maintain this lower-intermediate level of german that i feel that i am stuck in? how was it that those red bathers seemed to be so durable? and why did my future self have that silly haircut? or was it a wig? oh my god - was it a wig?!

a typical story, perhaps. but now we have reached our final week in berlin and it is time to leave. it has been nothing short of magical, and the last two weeks have been the best of an amazing lot. we are both so sad to go, but the time is right.

it was only last week, while overlooking a courtyard from a 5th story apartment near the overground train loop, that a stranger asked me: 'where is your home?' and i replied without thinking: 'berlin', and was almost shocked to hear myself say it. home is a feeling, and we both feel it here. perhaps home is potential. and berlin is filled with it.

goodbye berlin, we loved you. we look forward to seeing you again soon. and as for my nemesis, if you are reading this in the future, know this:

i am ready.


Anonymous said...

kde na ty "blbiny" chodis? Bananas are $13 per 1kg - treet them with care!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahoj mamka

nicky said...

It's true about the bananas. I was sure for a few seconds that banana was going up the clucka's ass....

So happy to see all 4 of you together. Lots of love on the next journey xxxxx

Ondřej said...

$13/kg?! now that is truly ridiculous!