Friday 15 July 2011

cultural revelations #4: bastille day fireworks

an estimated one million people gathered together by the eiffel tower to celebrate french nationhood last night. it must be said that 2 boys - your g and o - had the best non-seats in the house. a fireworks display doesn't get much more iconic than this!


Anonymous said...

I had the best non-seat in the house just several minutes ago. From my deck I was watching the full moon and the Southern Cross. Isn't that iconic?
ahoj mamka

Ondřej said...

damn straight it's iconic. and it's an icon i love!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those fireworks look amazing. I love the ones sparkling on the tower.
You're a lucky man to be having such wonderful experiences and with the man you love.
Relax and have fun ( don't think so much)
Amy xo
Ps. Now 30/40 and expecting a boy

Ondřej said...

the sparkles were just lights on the tower itself - hope that doesn't reduce the magic for you ;)

relax and have fun i can do. not think so much? never!

but 30/40 with a little boy!!! those fireworks were just for yous!!!