Monday 19 December 2011

jboy bday

it's christmas. for many years i have had a very negative approach to christmas. on the one hand, i reject a religious tradition for which i have no affinity, on the other hand i feel desolate when i consider the hyper-commercial and materialistic nature of the tradition's current manifestation. but i know that we do not live in a cultural vacuum, and instead of rejecting this festival outright, i want to use it to express what all of these cultural celebrations are supposed to express anyway: our love for each other. i want you to know - i want all of you to know - that i love you. i don't love you a little bit or even a lot: i love you so much that I am bursting at the seams with it. what i deeply hope for you in this new year is that when you look around yourselves, you see lives filled with happiness and love. i hope that you feel breathless with the joy of being alive, and i hope that when you look in the mirror, you love the person staring back at you unconditionally, and feel truly proud of what a wonderful, beautiful person you are. you are all amazing, and i love you. i love you!

merry christmas.


Anonymous said...

It's a strange I have learned to feel at ease with... a cultural family festival. As gay men it can tend to make us feel alienated. I say claim it back and relax into the day.

You look like you are having a feast fit for a king and a few of its offspring. When will you be back in Oz Mr Adventurer?

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Finally you love Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Christmas is a magic - especially for mothers when they have their children around. Your two children look that they love you a have fun with you.
We love you as well.