Tuesday 29 December 2009

asahi dake

click for map!
after a marathon train journey and a night in a capsule hotel (where the bamboo roller-doors didn't block out the sound of the other male-only occupants farting and snoring like pneumatic drills, nor did it prevent entry of the choking cloud of cigarette smoke coming from...where? were these people smoking in their sleep?) we finally met up with vov and nick near sapporo for our hokkaido adventure!

after a quick grab-dash for some pizza, cheese and pumpkin flavoured icecream, we headed out to daisetsuzen national park to conquer japan's highest mountain: asahi dake (2,291m).
we took a gondola up through the mists to the base of the mountain. the feeling of imminent victory among the group was almost oppressive.
up we climbed. around us we could hear the rumble of thunder (or waterfalls?), ahead only a few metres of rock disappearing into the thick fog. we felt young, we felt hardcore - stopping only occasionally to catch our breath, be overtaken by groups of 70 year old grandmothers, or to allow the passing of couples in shorts and t-shirt walking their little city-dogs.
but do not cast aspertions! nothing can detract from our mighty subordination of the highest mountain in japan!
the clouds parted on the way down, revealing lush green hillsides and - not waterfalls or thunder after all - but volcanic geysers spewing forth their fetid fumes all aroud us!
and then we were down from the mountain, and the dignity of the climb gave way to the panicked rush back to our funky little hostel to make sure we got a place at one of the dinner tables! but fate had turned the light of her smiling face upon us: we conquered the dining room and got the good table right in the middle. it was almost too much for one day! dinner was well deserved :)


before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. after enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.

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