Friday 11 June 2010

Day Two - Broome to Geike Gorge

freikörperkultur (free body culture) is the german word for taking your clothes off for any damn reason at all. in a country of people that love getting their kit off, apparently even murmuring the phrase FKK (ef-ka-ka) is met with the sound of belt buckles hitting the floor. it needs no mention that g is half german. ef-ka-ka became a dominant theme of our little holiday, and day two was no exception, as g and i tore our clothes off for a sunrise splash at cable beach (again the only nudes on the nudist beach), and let the warm waves of the indian ocean wash away the sins of a melbourne winter come to soon.

we stocked up on enough rubbish to eat for 2 weeks at woolworths, then hit the road: it was primarily a day of driving.

not far out of broome we first bore witness to the breathtaking beauty of the baobab. though a weed on asteroid B612, on earth the baobab is the glorious king of trees.

our car - jasper (sounds like 'i hope' if pronounced with a so frenchy, so chic accent) was the hero of our roadtrip. 2 comfortable seats up front, AC, a little kitchenette at the back and enough storage to grant asylum to a cable beach camel dreaming of a better life. over our storage planks we would spread our mattresses and sleep like babies on our double bed. initially we were concerned that the wicked camper company would give us a shonky death trap, but there was nothing that jasper - with g at his helm - could not handle. river crossings of crocodile infested waters, steep sandy climbs, super-corrugated dirt roads, comfortable city driving: jasper was always in his element. all hail! he was almost as versatile as the boys he was carrying.

we arrived at geike gorge (darngku) near fitzroy crossing before sunset for a stroll between its 30m cliffs, and cooled down on the sandbank with a bit of FKK, avoiding the freshwater crocs lest they spy a treat that would be a little bit too tasty for them.

that night the moon was just a razor thin sliver in the sky, and we could see constellations that aren't visible from melbourne, which i always find really exciting. we camped at the old fitzroy river crossing next to... a large pile of dirt. doesn't actually sound romantic...but it was!


Ondřej said...

i'm losing my mind trying to upload swf files to my blog. does anyone know of a third party website that can host these files and provide their html codes for a dummy like me to cut and paste? i'm losing it! i'm losing my mind!!!

Ondřej said...

incidentally i have pseudo-solved this issue by transforming the swf to avi with a converter (you can see the watermark on my video), editing the video in windows movie maker, uploading to youtube and embedding the html code into blogger. why does it have to be so complicated? can anyone suggest something more direct?

Anonymous said...

Aren't boabs just alien!

Anonymous said...

Were you allowed to stick bumper stickers onto the love-mobile?

Ondřej said...

actually we were allowed to put stickers on it, but that sticker was there when we hired it!!! maybe they knew in advance that a couple of gayboys were coming up for some fun...